This is the complete list of members for ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation, including all inherited members.
AuxFieldUpdateFunction typedef | ablate::solver::CellSolver | |
cellGeomVec | ablate::solver::CellSolver | protected |
CellSolver(std::string solverId, std::shared_ptr< domain::Region >={}, std::shared_ptr< parameters::Parameters > options=nullptr) | ablate::solver::CellSolver | explicit |
ComputeRHSFunction(PetscReal time, Vec locXVec, Vec locFVec) override | ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation | virtual |
DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues_Plex(DM dm, PetscDS ds, PetscBool insertEssential, Vec locX, PetscReal time, Vec faceGeomFVM, Vec cellGeomFVM, Vec gradFVM) (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | protectedstatic |
DMPlexInsertTimeDerivativeBoundaryValues_Plex(DM dm, PetscDS ds, PetscBool insertEssential, Vec locX, PetscReal time, Vec faceGeomFVM, Vec cellGeomFVM, Vec gradFVM) (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | protectedstatic |
faceGeomVec | ablate::solver::CellSolver | protected |
GetCellRange(ablate::domain::Range &cellRange) const | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
GetFaceRange(ablate::domain::Range &faceRange) const | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
GetRange(PetscInt depth, ablate::domain::Range &range) const | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
GetRegion() const noexcept | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
GetSolverId() const | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
GetSubDomain() noexcept | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
GetSubDomain() const noexcept | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
Initialize() override | ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation | virtual |
petscOptions (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | protected |
PostEvaluate(TS ts) (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | |
PostStep(TS ts) (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | |
PreRHSFunction(TS ts, PetscReal time, bool initialStage, Vec locX) override | ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation | virtual |
PreStage(TS ts, PetscReal stagetime) (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | |
PreStep(TS ts) (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | |
Register(std::shared_ptr< ablate::domain::SubDomain > subDomain) override | ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation | virtual |
RegisterAuxFieldUpdate(AuxFieldUpdateFunction function, void *context, const std::vector< std::string > &auxField, const std::vector< std::string > &inputFields) | ablate::solver::CellSolver | |
RegisterPostEvaluate(const std::function< void(TS ts, Solver &)> &postEval) | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
RegisterPostStep(const std::function< void(TS ts, Solver &)> &postStep) | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
RegisterPreStage(const std::function< void(TS ts, Solver &, PetscReal)> &preStage) | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
RegisterPreStep(const std::function< void(TS ts, Solver &)> &preStep) | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
RegisterSolutionFieldUpdate(SolutionFieldUpdateFunction function, void *context, const std::vector< std::string > &inputFields) | ablate::solver::CellSolver | |
RestoreRange(ablate::domain::Range &range) const | ablate::solver::Solver | inline |
Setup() override | ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation | virtual |
SolutionFieldUpdateFunction typedef | ablate::solver::CellSolver | |
Solver(std::string solverId, std::shared_ptr< domain::Region >={}, std::shared_ptr< parameters::Parameters > options=nullptr) (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | explicitprotected |
subDomain (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | protected |
UpdateAuxFields(PetscReal time, Vec locXVec, Vec locAuxField) | ablate::solver::CellSolver | |
UpdateSolutionFields(PetscReal time, Vec globXVec) | ablate::solver::CellSolver | |
VolumeRadiation(const std::string &solverId1, const std::shared_ptr< io::interval::Interval > &interval, std::shared_ptr< radiation::Radiation > radiation, const std::shared_ptr< parameters::Parameters > &options1, const std::shared_ptr< monitors::logs::Log > &unnamed1) | ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation | |
~CellSolver() override (defined in ablate::solver::CellSolver) | ablate::solver::CellSolver | |
~Solver() (defined in ablate::solver::Solver) | ablate::solver::Solver | virtual |
~VolumeRadiation() override (defined in ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation) | ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation |