ABLATE Source Documentation  0.12.36
4 #include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
5 #include "eos.hpp"
6 #include "tChem.hpp"
9 #include <filesystem>
10 #include <map>
11 #include <memory>
12 #include <set>
13 #include "TChem_KineticModelData.hpp"
14 #include "chemistryModel.hpp"
15 #include "eos/tChemSoot/pressure.hpp"
16 #include "eos/tChemSoot/sensibleEnthalpy.hpp"
17 #include "eos/tChemSoot/sensibleInternalEnergy.hpp"
18 #include "eos/tChemSoot/speedOfSound.hpp"
19 #include "eos/tChemSoot/stateVectorSoot.hpp"
20 #include "eos/tChemSoot/temperature.hpp"
21 #include "monitors/logs/log.hpp"
22 #include "tChemSoot/sootConstants.hpp"
23 #include "utilities/intErrorChecker.hpp"
25 namespace ablate::eos {
27 namespace tChemLib = TChem;
29 class TChemSoot : public TChemBase, public std::enable_shared_from_this<ablate::eos::TChemSoot> {
30  public:
34  static inline std::string CSolidName = "C(S)";
39  static inline std::string SootNumberDensityName = "SootNumberDensity_Mass";
41  private:
45  std::vector<std::string> progressVariables = {SootNumberDensityName};
47  public:
53  explicit TChemSoot(std::filesystem::path mechanismFile, std::shared_ptr<ablate::monitors::logs::Log> = {}, const std::shared_ptr<ablate::parameters::Parameters>& options = {});
61  [[nodiscard]] ThermodynamicFunction GetThermodynamicFunction(ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector<domain::Field>& fields) const override;
69  [[nodiscard]] ThermodynamicTemperatureFunction GetThermodynamicTemperatureFunction(ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector<domain::Field>& fields) const override;
77  [[nodiscard]] EOSFunction GetFieldFunctionFunction(const std::string& field, ThermodynamicProperty property1, ThermodynamicProperty property2,
78  std::vector<std::string> otherProperties) const override;
84  [[nodiscard]] const std::vector<std::string>& GetProgressVariables() const override { return progressVariables; }
90  [[nodiscard]] std::map<std::string, double> GetElementInformation() const override;
96  [[nodiscard]] std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, int>> GetSpeciesElementalInformation() const override;
102  [[nodiscard]] std::map<std::string, double> GetSpeciesMolecularMass() const override;
108  void View(std::ostream& stream) const override;
115  std::shared_ptr<SourceCalculator> CreateSourceCalculator(const std::vector<domain::Field>& fields, const ablate::domain::Range& cellRange) override;
124  [[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<FunctionContext> BuildFunctionContext(ablate::eos::ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector<domain::Field>& fields) const;
134  static PetscErrorCode DensityFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
135  static PetscErrorCode TemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
136  static PetscErrorCode PressureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
137  static PetscErrorCode InternalSensibleEnergyFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
138  static PetscErrorCode SensibleEnthalpyFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
139  static PetscErrorCode SpecificHeatConstantVolumeFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
140  static PetscErrorCode SpecificHeatConstantPressureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
141  static PetscErrorCode SpeedOfSoundFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
142  static PetscErrorCode SpeciesSensibleEnthalpyFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
154  static PetscErrorCode DensityTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
155  static PetscErrorCode TemperatureTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
156  static PetscErrorCode PressureTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
157  static PetscErrorCode InternalSensibleEnergyTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
158  static PetscErrorCode SensibleEnthalpyTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
159  static PetscErrorCode SpecificHeatConstantVolumeTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
160  static PetscErrorCode SpecificHeatConstantPressureTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
161  static PetscErrorCode SpeedOfSoundTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
162  static PetscErrorCode SpeciesSensibleEnthalpyTemperatureFunction(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal T, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
172  using ThermodynamicStaticFunction = PetscErrorCode (*)(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
173  using ThermodynamicTemperatureStaticFunction = PetscErrorCode (*)(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal temperature, PetscReal* property, void* ctx);
174  std::map<ThermodynamicProperty, std::tuple<ThermodynamicStaticFunction, ThermodynamicTemperatureStaticFunction, std::function<ordinal_type(ordinal_type)>>> thermodynamicFunctions = {
175  {ThermodynamicProperty::Density, {DensityFunction, DensityTemperatureFunction, [](auto) { return 0; }}},
176  {ThermodynamicProperty::Pressure,
177  {PressureFunction, PressureTemperatureFunction, ablate::eos::tChemSoot::Temperature::getWorkSpaceSize}} ,
178  {ThermodynamicProperty::Temperature, {TemperatureFunction, TemperatureTemperatureFunction, ablate::eos::tChemSoot::Temperature::getWorkSpaceSize}},
179  {ThermodynamicProperty::InternalSensibleEnergy, {InternalSensibleEnergyFunction, InternalSensibleEnergyTemperatureFunction, ablate::eos::tChemSoot::SensibleInternalEnergy::getWorkSpaceSize}},
180  {ThermodynamicProperty::SensibleEnthalpy, {SensibleEnthalpyFunction, SensibleEnthalpyTemperatureFunction, ablate::eos::tChemSoot::SensibleEnthalpy::getWorkSpaceSize}},
181  {ThermodynamicProperty::SpecificHeatConstantVolume, {SpecificHeatConstantVolumeFunction, SpecificHeatConstantVolumeTemperatureFunction, [](auto nSpec) { return nSpec; }}},
182  {ThermodynamicProperty::SpecificHeatConstantPressure,
183  {SpecificHeatConstantPressureFunction,
184  SpecificHeatConstantPressureTemperatureFunction,
185  ablate::eos::tChemSoot::Temperature::getWorkSpaceSize}} ,
186  {ThermodynamicProperty::SpeedOfSound, {SpeedOfSoundFunction, SpeedOfSoundTemperatureFunction, ablate::eos::tChemSoot::SpeedOfSound::getWorkSpaceSize}},
187  {ThermodynamicProperty::SpeciesSensibleEnthalpy,
188  {SpeciesSensibleEnthalpyFunction,
189  SpeciesSensibleEnthalpyTemperatureFunction,
190  ablate::eos::tChemSoot::Temperature::getWorkSpaceSize}}
191  };
196  const std::set<ThermodynamicProperty> speciesSizedProperties = {ThermodynamicProperty::SpeciesSensibleEnthalpy};
203  static void FillWorkingVectorFromDensityMassFractions(double density, double temperature, const double* densityYi, const tChemSoot::StateVectorSoot<real_type_1d_view_host>& stateVector);
205  // New stuff
206  private:
207  // Graphite date
208  inline static const std::vector<real_type> CS_Nasa7TLow = {-3.108720720e-01, 4.403536860e-03, 1.903941180e-06, -6.385469660e-09, 2.989642480e-12, -1.086507940e+02, 1.113829530e+00};
209  inline static const std::vector<real_type> CS_Nasa7THigh = {1.455718290e+00, 1.717022160e-03, -6.975627860e-07, 1.352770320e-10, -9.675906520e-15, -6.951388140e+02, -8.525830330e+00};
211  public:
212  inline static real_type CarbonEnthalpy_R_T(const real_type& Temp) {
213  if ((Temp < 200.)) {
214  double t200 = CS_Nasa7TLow.at(5) / 200. + CS_Nasa7TLow.at(0) +
215  200. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(1) / 2. + 200. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(2) / 3. + 200. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(3) / 4. + 200. * CS_Nasa7TLow.at(4) / 5.)));
216  double t300 = CS_Nasa7TLow.at(5) / 300. + CS_Nasa7TLow.at(0) +
217  300. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(1) / 2. + 300. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(2) / 3. + 300. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(3) / 4. + 300. * CS_Nasa7TLow.at(4) / 5.)));
218  return t200 - (t300 - t200) / 100. * (200. - Temp);
219  } else if (Temp <= 1000.)
220  return CS_Nasa7TLow.at(5) / Temp + CS_Nasa7TLow.at(0) +
221  Temp * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(1) / 2. + Temp * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(2) / 3. + Temp * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(3) / 4. + Temp * CS_Nasa7TLow.at(4) / 5.)));
222  else if (Temp <= 5000.)
223  return CS_Nasa7THigh.at(5) / Temp + CS_Nasa7THigh.at(0) +
224  Temp * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(1) / 2. + Temp * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(2) / 3. + Temp * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(3) / 4. + Temp * CS_Nasa7THigh.at(4) / 5.)));
225  else {
226  double t5000 = CS_Nasa7THigh.at(5) / 5000. + CS_Nasa7THigh.at(0) +
227  5000. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(1) / 2. + 5000. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(2) / 3. + 5000. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(3) / 4. + 5000. * CS_Nasa7THigh.at(4) / 5.)));
228  double t4900 = CS_Nasa7THigh.at(5) / 4900. + CS_Nasa7THigh.at(0) +
229  4900. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(1) / 2. + 4900. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(2) / 3. + 4900. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(3) / 4. + 4900. * CS_Nasa7THigh.at(4) / 5.)));
230  return t5000 + (t5000 - t4900) / 100. * (Temp - 5000.);
231  }
232  }
234  inline static double CarbonCp_R(const double& Temp) {
235  if (Temp < 200) {
236  double t200 = CS_Nasa7TLow.at(0) + 200. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(1) + 200. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(2) + 200. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(3) + 200. * CS_Nasa7TLow.at(4))));
237  double t300 = CS_Nasa7TLow.at(0) + 300. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(1) + 300. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(2) + 300. * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(3) + 300. * CS_Nasa7TLow.at(4))));
238  return t200 - (t300 - t200) / 100. * (200 - Temp);
239  } else if (Temp <= 1000)
240  return CS_Nasa7TLow.at(0) + Temp * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(1) + Temp * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(2) + Temp * (CS_Nasa7TLow.at(3) + Temp * CS_Nasa7TLow.at(4))));
241  else if (Temp <= 5000)
242  return CS_Nasa7THigh.at(0) + Temp * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(1) + Temp * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(2) + Temp * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(3) + Temp * CS_Nasa7THigh.at(4))));
243  else {
244  double t5000 = CS_Nasa7THigh.at(0) + 5000. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(1) + 5000. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(2) + 5000. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(3) + 5000. * CS_Nasa7THigh.at(4))));
245  double t4900 = CS_Nasa7THigh.at(0) + 4900. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(1) + 4900. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(2) + 4900. * (CS_Nasa7THigh.at(3) + 4900. * CS_Nasa7THigh.at(4))));
246  return t5000 + (t5000 - t4900) / 100. * (Temp - 5000.);
247  }
248  }
253  inline static double ComputeSolidCarbonSensibleEnthalpy(double temperature) {
254  return (ablate::eos::TChemSoot::CarbonEnthalpy_R_T(temperature) * temperature * RUNIV * 1.0e3 / tChemSoot::MWCarbon) -
255  (ablate::eos::TChemSoot::CarbonEnthalpy_R_T(TREF) * TREF * RUNIV * 1.0e3 / tChemSoot::MWCarbon);
256  }
257 };
259 } // namespace ablate::eos
262 namespace ablate::eos {
264 namespace tChemLib = TChem;
266 class TChemSoot : public TChemBase, public std::enable_shared_from_this<ablate::eos::TChemSoot> {
267  public:
271  static inline std::string CSolidName = "C(S)";
276  static inline std::string SootNumberDensityName = "SootNumberDensity_Mass";
278  static inline const std::string errorMessage = "Using the TChemSoot requires serial build of Kokkos.";
285  explicit TChemSoot(std::filesystem::path mechanismFile, std::shared_ptr<ablate::monitors::logs::Log> log = {}, const std::shared_ptr<ablate::parameters::Parameters>& options = {})
286  : TChemBase("TChemSoot", std::move(mechanismFile), std::move(log), options) {
287  throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
288  }
296  [[nodiscard]] ThermodynamicFunction GetThermodynamicFunction(ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector<domain::Field>& fields) const override { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
304  [[nodiscard]] ThermodynamicTemperatureFunction GetThermodynamicTemperatureFunction(ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector<domain::Field>& fields) const override {
305  throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
306  }
314  [[nodiscard]] EOSFunction GetFieldFunctionFunction(const std::string& field, ThermodynamicProperty property1, ThermodynamicProperty property2,
315  std::vector<std::string> otherProperties) const override {
316  throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
317  }
323  [[nodiscard]] const std::vector<std::string>& GetProgressVariables() const override { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
329  [[nodiscard]] std::map<std::string, double> GetElementInformation() const override { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
335  [[nodiscard]] std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, int>> GetSpeciesElementalInformation() const override { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
341  [[nodiscard]] std::map<std::string, double> GetSpeciesMolecularMass() const override { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
347  void View(std::ostream& stream) const override { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
354  std::shared_ptr<SourceCalculator> CreateSourceCalculator(const std::vector<domain::Field>& fields, const ablate::domain::Range& cellRange) override { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
359  inline static double ComputeSolidCarbonSensibleEnthalpy(double temperature) { throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); }
360 };
361 } // namespace ablate::eos
363 #endif // KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA
Definition: tChemBase.hpp:25
std::shared_ptr< ablate::monitors::logs::Log > log
an optional log file for tchem echo redirection
Definition: tChemBase.hpp:34
const std::filesystem::path mechanismFile
the mechanismFile may be chemkin or yaml based
Definition: tChemBase.hpp:31
TChemBase(const std::string &eosName, std::filesystem::path mechanismFile, const std::shared_ptr< ablate::monitors::logs::Log > &={}, const std::shared_ptr< ablate::parameters::Parameters > &options={})
Definition: tChemBase.cpp:10
Definition: tChemSoot.hpp:29
ThermodynamicTemperatureFunction GetThermodynamicTemperatureFunction(ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector< domain::Field > &fields) const override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:92
std::map< std::string, double > GetElementInformation() const override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:652
ThermodynamicFunction GetThermodynamicFunction(ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector< domain::Field > &fields) const override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:87
static void FillWorkingVectorFromDensityMassFractions(double density, double temperature, const double *densityYi, const tChemSoot::StateVectorSoot< real_type_1d_view_host > &stateVector)
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:377
std::shared_ptr< SourceCalculator > CreateSourceCalculator(const std::vector< domain::Field > &fields, const ablate::domain::Range &cellRange) override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:714
std::shared_ptr< FunctionContext > BuildFunctionContext(ablate::eos::ThermodynamicProperty property, const std::vector< domain::Field > &fields) const
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:38
EOSFunction GetFieldFunctionFunction(const std::string &field, ThermodynamicProperty property1, ThermodynamicProperty property2, std::vector< std::string > otherProperties) const override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:407
static std::string CSolidName
Definition: tChemSoot.hpp:34
PetscErrorCode(*)(const PetscReal conserved[], PetscReal *property, void *ctx) ThermodynamicStaticFunction
Definition: tChemSoot.hpp:172
void View(std::ostream &stream) const override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:97
TChemSoot(std::filesystem::path mechanismFile, std::shared_ptr< ablate::monitors::logs::Log >={}, const std::shared_ptr< ablate::parameters::Parameters > &options={})
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:18
const std::set< ThermodynamicProperty > speciesSizedProperties
Definition: tChemSoot.hpp:196
static std::string SootNumberDensityName
Definition: tChemSoot.hpp:39
static double ComputeSolidCarbonSensibleEnthalpy(double temperature)
Definition: tChemSoot.hpp:253
std::map< std::string, double > GetSpeciesMolecularMass() const override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:701
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > GetSpeciesElementalInformation() const override
Definition: tChemSoot.cpp:668
const std::vector< std::string > & GetProgressVariables() const override
Definition: tChemSoot.hpp:84
Definition: range.hpp:11
Definition: stateVectorSoot.hpp:14