ABLATE Source Documentation  0.12.36
ablate::eos::ChemistryModel::SourceCalculator Class Referenceabstract

#include <chemistryModel.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for ablate::eos::ChemistryModel::SourceCalculator:

Public Member Functions

virtual void ComputeSource (const ablate::domain::Range &cellRange, PetscReal time, PetscReal dt, Vec solution)=0
virtual void AddSource (const ablate::domain::Range &cellRange, Vec solution, Vec source)=0

Detailed Description

The batch source interface can be used so solve multiple nodes simultaneously. The batch interface is divided into two processes

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSource()

virtual void ablate::eos::ChemistryModel::SourceCalculator::AddSource ( const ablate::domain::Range cellRange,
Vec  solution,
Vec  source 
pure virtual

Adds the source that was computed in the presetp to the supplied vector

Implemented in ablate::eos::zerorkeos::SourceCalculator, ablate::eos::tChemSoot::SourceCalculatorSoot, and ablate::eos::tChem::SourceCalculator.

◆ ComputeSource()

virtual void ablate::eos::ChemistryModel::SourceCalculator::ComputeSource ( const ablate::domain::Range cellRange,
PetscReal  time,
PetscReal  dt,
Vec  solution 
pure virtual

The compute source can be used as a prestep allowing the add source to be used at each stage without reevaluating

Implemented in ablate::eos::zerorkeos::SourceCalculator, ablate::eos::tChemSoot::SourceCalculatorSoot, and ablate::eos::tChem::SourceCalculator.

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