static void | BoundExtraVariables (TS ts, ablate::solver::Solver &solver, const std::string &field) |
static void | BoundExtraVariablesMinusOneToOne (TS ts, ablate::solver::Solver &solver, const std::string &field) |
static void | PositiveExtraVariables (TS ts, ablate::solver::Solver &solver, const std::string &field) |
static PetscErrorCode | UpdateEVField (PetscReal time, PetscInt dim, const PetscFVCellGeom *cellGeom, const PetscInt uOff[], const PetscScalar *conservedValues, const PetscInt *aOff, PetscScalar *auxField, void *ctx) |
static PetscErrorCode | UpdateBoundEVField (PetscReal time, PetscInt dim, const PetscFVCellGeom *cellGeom, const PetscInt uOff[], const PetscScalar *conservedValues, const PetscInt *aOff, PetscScalar *auxField, void *ctx) |
static PetscErrorCode | UpdateMinusOneToOneBoundEVField (PetscReal time, PetscInt dim, const PetscFVCellGeom *cellGeom, const PetscInt uOff[], const PetscScalar *conservedValues, const PetscInt *aOff, PetscScalar *auxField, void *ctx) |
static PetscErrorCode | UpdatePositiveEVField (PetscReal time, PetscInt dim, const PetscFVCellGeom *cellGeom, const PetscInt uOff[], const PetscScalar *conservedValues, const PetscInt *aOff, PetscScalar *auxField, void *ctx) |
This class is used to transport any arbitrary extra variable (EV) with a given diffusion coefficient. The variable are assumed to be stored in a conserved form in the solution vector and a non conserved form in the aux vector. This is applied to all fields tagged as an ev