constexpr static PetscReal | sbc = 5.6696e-8 |
| Stefan-Boltzman Constant (J/K)
constexpr static PetscReal | h = 6.62607004e-34 |
| Planck Constant.
constexpr static PetscReal | c = 299792458 |
| Speed of light.
constexpr static PetscReal | k = 1.380622e-23 |
| Boltzmann Constant.
constexpr static PetscReal | pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993 |
| Pi.
constexpr static PetscReal | tiny = 1e-30 |
| A very tiny number.
constexpr static PetscReal | small = 1e-10 |
| A somewhat small number.
constexpr static PetscReal | large = 1E10 |
| A somewhat large number.
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