ABLATE Source Documentation  0.12.36
ablate::radiation::Radiation::Identifier Struct Reference

#include <radiation.hpp>

Public Attributes

PetscInt originRank
 the rank for the start of the ray
PetscInt originRayId
 The local ray id 'index'.
PetscInt remoteRank
 the remote rank (may be same as originating) for this segment id
PetscInt remoteRayId
 The local ray id 'index'.
PetscInt nSegment
 The number of segments away from the origin, zero on the origin.

Detailed Description

Identifiers are carrying by both the search and solve particles in order to associate them with their origins and ray segments In the search particles, nsegment iterates based on how many domains the search particle has crossed. In the solve particle, nsegment remains constant as it ties the particle to its specific order in the ray

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: