The perfect gas (โ€œperfectGasโ€) assumptions of an ideal gas simplify the equations assuming that \(C_p\) and \(C_v\) are constant. For the current implementation this results in an EOS that is independent of the gas species. The EOS can be described with only \(\gamma\) and \(R\).

Input Definition Default Value Argument
\(\gamma\) \(\gamma = C_p/C_v\) 1.4 -gamma
\(R\) \(R = C_p - C_v\) 287.0 -Rgas

Decode State

The decode state function computes the required values to compute fluxes from the Euler conserved variables.

Internal Energy

\(\begin{eqnarray} e = e_t - KE \end{eqnarray}\)


\(\begin{eqnarray} p = (\gamma - 1.0) \rho e \end{eqnarray}\)

Speed of Sound

\(\begin{eqnarray} a = \sqrt{\gamma p/\rho} \end{eqnarray}\)


The temperature function computes T from \(e_t\), \(\rho\vector{u}\), and \(\rho\).

\[\begin{eqnarray} T = \frac{e}{C_v} \\ C_v = \frac{R}{\gamma -1} \end{eqnarray}\]