Integration Test Examples
ABLATE example input files are maintained as part of the main code repository and are primarily used for integration testing. A consequence of this is that most of the examples use very small domains/few timesteps to insure they run very quickly. Despite this they are designed to illustrate a wide variety of ABLATE functions allowing custom input file to be composed. The following input files currently function with ABLATE and can be downloaded directly using the folder icon. Some examples may require additional files that can be found on GitHub.
- Shock tube2 gas 2d 📁
- Shock tube sod lodi boundary 📁
- Shock tube 1d sod air water 📁
- Shock tube rieman 📁
Volume of fluids
- Coupled particles 2d restart 📁
- Inertial particles 2d 📁
- Tracer particles 2d restart 📁
- Tracer particles 3d 📁
- Coupled particles 2d 📁
- Tracer particles 2d hdf5 monitor 📁
Compressible flow
- Compressible flow vortex lodi 📁
- Compressible flow vortex lodi restart 📁
- Custom couette compressible flow 📁
- Steady compressible flow lodi test 📁
- Compressible couette flow 📁
- Compressible flow pgs lodi 📁
- Axisymmetric pipe flow 📁
- Hdf5 initializer test.initialization 📁
- Hdf5 initializer test 📁
- Extra variable transport 📁
- Les isotropic turbulence 📁
- Compressible sublimation pipe 📁
- Compressible flow cad example 📁
- Gmsh pipe flow 📁
- Mixed cell type test 2d 📁
- Turbulent channel flow 📁
- Compressible flow vortex 📁
- Compressible sublimation pipe with extrude 📁
- Mesh generator axisymmetric 📁
- Extrude boundary test 📁
- Mesh mapping test coordinate space 📁
- Mesh mapping test 📁
- Dm view from options 📁
- Sub domain fvm 📁
- Boundary monitor test 3d 📁
- Boundary monitor test 2d 📁
- Mixed cell type test 2d 📁
Reacting flow
- Steady state diffusion flame zerork 📁
- Ignition delay gri mech constant volume reactor 📁
- Ignition delay gri mech zerork 📁
- Ignition delay mma soot 📁
- Sample soot diffusion flame 📁
- Ignition delay gri mech constant volume reactor zerork 📁
- Ignition delay gri mech soot 📁
- Ignition delay mma soot process zerork 📁
- Sample diffusion flame zerork 📁
- Steady state diffusion flame 📁
- Simple reacting flow zerork 📁
- Sample diffusion flame 📁
- Ignition delay2 s ch4 cm2 📁
- Ignition delay mma soot process 📁
- Simple reacting flow 📁
- Ignition delay gri mech 📁
Level set
Fe flow
Regression Test Examples
The following examples are larger/longer simulations and more closely resemble real work simulations. These regression tests are run regularly instead of as part of the pull request processes because of the increased simulation time.