Docker Install with CLion

CLion is a C/C++ IDE that uses cmake files for configuration. These directions outline the steps to running the framework with CLion.

  1. Download and install Docker or docker desktop.
  2. Pull the latest ablate dependency docker image
    docker pull
  3. Download and Install CLion. For Windows users it is recommended that CLion be installed under WSL2 linux.
  4. Open CLion and select Get From VCS from the welcome window and either
    • (recommended) Select GitHub and Login/Authorize access. Then follow on-screen instructions to clone your fork of ABLATE.
    • Select Git from the Version Control dropdown and enter your ABLATE fork url.
  5. Set the toolchain in CLion using the instructions. Select the image in the UI.
  6. Enable the docker-ablate-debug and docker-ablate-opt build profiles.
    • If not opened by default, open the Settings / Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake preference window from the menu bar.
    • Select the docker-ablate-debug and click the “Enable profile”. Repeat for the docker-ablate-opt and apply/close the window. clion cmake profiles
    • Select the docker-ablate-debug or docker-ablate-opt build profile under the build toolbar. In short, the debug build makes it easier to debug but is slower. The release/optimized build is faster to execute. clion cmake select build profile
    • Disable any other profile
  7. Build and run all tests using the All CTest configuration. Clion All CTest configuration location
  8. If you are new to CLion it is recommended that you read through the CLion Quick Start Guide.