This test shows how to easily transport extra variables using the finite volume solver. Extra variables are conserved scalars that are transported with the flow. Examples include zMix and other progresses variables.
# a unique test name for this integration tests
name: extraVariableTransport
# the number of ranks to run with mpi
ranks: 1
# create a list of asserts to compare
# create a default assert that compares the log file
- "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/extraVariableTransport.txt"
- !testingResources::asserts::TextFileAssert
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/a.csv"
actual: "a.csv"
- !testingResources::asserts::TextFileAssert
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/b.csv"
actual: "b.csv"
- !testingResources::asserts::TextFileAssert
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/c.csv"
actual: "c.csv"
- !testingResources::asserts::TextFileAssert
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/rakeProbe/rakeProbe.txt"
actual: "rakeProbe/rakeProbe.txt"
- !testingResources::asserts::TextFileAssert
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/rakeProbe/rakeProbe.0.csv"
actual: "rakeProbe/rakeProbe.0.csv"
- !testingResources::asserts::TextFileAssert
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/rakeProbe/rakeProbe.1.csv"
actual: "rakeProbe/rakeProbe.1.csv"
- !testingResources::asserts::TextFileAssert
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/extraVariableTransport/rakeProbe/rakeProbe.2.csv"
actual: "rakeProbe/rakeProbe.2.csv"
# metadata for the simulation
title: _extraVariableTransport
tagDirectory: false
dm_plex_separate_marker: ""
# set up the time stepper responsible for marching in time
# use io to save results to a file allowing visualization and restart
interval: 0
name: theMainTimeStepper
# time stepper specific input arguments
ts_type: rk
ts_adapt_type: physics # overwrite and set the time step based upon the CFL constraint
ts_max_steps: 20
ts_adapt_safety: 1.0
# the domain/mesh must be specified at the start of a simulation
domain: !ablate::domain::BoxMesh
name: simpleBoxField
faces: [ 13, 13 ]
lower: [ 0, 0 ]
upper: [ 1, 1 ]
boundary: [ "NONE", "NONE" ]
simplex: false
# specify any modifications to be performed to the mesh/domain
# if using mpi, this modifier distributes cells
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::GhostBoundaryCells
# if using a FVM ghost boundary cells must be added
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::DistributeWithGhostCells
# all fields must be defined before solvers. The ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowFields is a helper
# class that creates the required fields for the compressible flow solver (rho, rhoE, rhoU, ...)
- !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowFields
eos: !ablate::eos::PerfectGas &eos
gamma: 1.4
Rgas: 287
# the solver class can take extraVariable arguments. This defines the conserved and non-conserved field for each component
- !ablate::finiteVolume::ExtraVariable
components: [ "ev1", "ev2" ]
# the ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::Euler helper can define the "euler" field (rho, rhoE, rhoU, rhoV) from more common inputs
- !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::Euler
state: &flowFieldState
eos: *eos
temperature: "300"
pressure: "101325.0"
velocity: "25., 25"
# the density*ev field must be specified. The DensityExtraVariables class helps by computing density and each ev value using the specified list functions
- !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::DensityExtraVariables
state: *flowFieldState
# a list of functions used to describe the extra variable initialization
- .25 # ev1 is set to a constant value of 0.25
- !ablate::mathFunctions::geom::Sphere
# the sphere methFunction can be used to specify ev2 with a different number inside (1.5) and outside (0, by default)
center: [ .25, .25 ]
radius: .25
insideValues: 1.5
# this problem uses a single solver (!ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowSolver)
solver: !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowSolver
id: evExample
cfl: .5
# a flux calculator must be specified to so solver for advection
fluxCalculator: !ablate::finiteVolume::fluxCalculator::AusmpUp
mInf: .3
# the default transport object assumes constant values for k, mu, diff
diff: 1E-4
k: 1E-4
mu: 1E-4
# share the existing eos with the compressible flow solver
eos: *eos
# the ArbitrarySource process was added to define a region of additional ev source
- !ablate::finiteVolume::processes::ArbitrarySource
radius: .1
center: [ 0.75, 0.75 ]
insideValues: "0.0, 100" # inside the sphere the ev1 gets no extra source while ev2 gets 100
# using constant boundary condition values on all sides with the specified values for euler and densityFlow based upon the previous boundary values
- !ablate::finiteVolume::boundaryConditions::EssentialGhost
boundaryName: "walls"
labelIds: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
boundaryValue: *eulerFlowFieldState
- !ablate::finiteVolume::boundaryConditions::EssentialGhost
boundaryName: "walls"
labelIds: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
boundaryValue: *densityEVFlowFieldState
# output the time and dt at each time step
- !ablate::monitors::TimeStepMonitor
# define a list of probes to record high frequency information
- !ablate::monitors::Probes
- name: a
location: [ .25, .25 ]
- name: b
location: [ .75, .25 ]
- name: c
location: [ .25, .75 ]
bufferSize: 10
variables: [ velocity, densityEV, EV, euler ] # these fields will be saved to a text file at the specified locations
# define a probe using a rake, which uses a start/end location and a number of probes to compute initial probe locations
- !ablate::monitors::Probes
probes: !ablate::monitors::probes::Rake
name: rakeProbe
start: [ .75, .5 ]
end: [ .25, 0.5 ]
number: 3
bufferSize: 10
variables: [ velocity, densityEV, EV, euler ] # these fields will be saved to a text file at the specified locations