This case is inspired by the setup for Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent channel flow up to Ret=590 (Moser et al. Physics of Fluids, 11(4):943–945, 1999). The case is a statistically-developing internal flow through parallel smooth walls. The domain comprises a 3D rectangular channel. Longitudinal direction (Mean-flow direction) Vertical direction (Wall-normal direction) Spanwise direction (Statistically homogeneous direction). Large eddy simulation (LES) is used to model sub-grid-scales and wall models are deployed near the wall regions.
Turbulent inflow is imposed at the intel. Turbulent velocity profile is approximated from 1/7 power-low.
Bulk velocity of flow:
- \[U_b=(17.55,0.00,0.00) m/s\]
Max velocity:
- \[U_max = 19.86 m/s\]
Reynolds Number:
- \[Re = 5E+6\]
velocity profile
- \[u = U_max (y/Re)^{1/7}\]
turbulence intensity
- \[U_{mean}* 10%\]
# a unique test name for this integration tests
name: turbulentChannelFlow
# create a list of asserts to compare
expected: "inputs/compressibleFlow/turbulentChannelFlow/domain.xmf"
actual: "domain.xmf"
# metadata for the simulation
title: _TurbulentChannelFlow
tagDirectory: false
# ask petsc to label the boundary values
dm_plex_separate_marker: ""
# set up the time stepper responsible for marching in time
name: theMainTimeStepper
ts_type: rk
ts_max_steps: 20
ts_dt: 1.0E-10
ts_adapt_safety: 0.9
interval: 1 # result are saved at every 5 steps. In real simulations this should be much larger. # Create a simple box mesh to start
domain: !ablate::domain::BoxMesh
name: simpleBoxField
faces: [ 10, 10, 5]
lower: [ 0.0, -0.025,0.0]
upper: [ 0.2 , 0.025, 0.02]
simplex: false
# pass in these options to petsc when setting up the domain. Using an option list here prevents command line arguments from being seen.
dm_distribute: false # turn off default dm_distribute so that we can extrude label first
dm_distribute_overlap: 0
# extrude all boundaries
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::ExtrudeLabel
# use the labels defined by the dm_plex_separate_marker option
- name: marker
value: 5 # this is the right boundary value
- name: marker
value: 6 # this is the left boundary value
- name: marker
value: 3 # this is the top boundary value
- name: marker
value: 4 # this is the left boundary value
- name: marker
# define a region for the new interface between the originalRegion and extrudedRegion
name: boundaryFaces
# for all cells/faces/points that were in the original mesh before extrusion
name: interiorCells
# for all cells/faces/points that were extruded. This does include overlap faces that are in the boundaryRegion, originalRegion, and extrudedRegion regions
name: boundaryCells
# if using mpi, this modifier distributes cells
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::DistributeWithGhostCells
ghostCellDepth: 2
# refine the mesh
dm_refine: 0
- !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowFields
eos: !ablate::eos::PerfectGas &eos
gamma: 1.4
Rgas: 287
# a field should be created for turbulent kinetic energy (tke)
- !ablate::finiteVolume::TurbulenceFlowFields
- !<!ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::Euler>
state: &2
eos: *eos
pressure: 101325.0
temperature: 300
velocity: 15,0,0
- !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::DensityExtraVariables
# introduce initial value for tke
name: tke
state: *2
- 1.0
# The compressible flow solver will solve the compressible flow equations over the interiorCells
- !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowSolver
id: vortexFlowField
# only apply this solver to the flowRegion, area without faces
name: interiorCells
- !ablate::finiteVolume::processes::LES
- !ablate::finiteVolume::processes::PressureGradientScaling
eos: *eos
alphaInit: 100.0
maxAlphaAllowed: 100.0
domainLength: 0.165354
# a flux calculator must be specified to so solver for advection
fluxCalculator: !ablate::finiteVolume::fluxCalculator::AusmpUp
pgs: *pgs
# cfl is used to compute the physics time step
cfl: 0.5
# the default transport object assumes constant values for k, mu, diff
k: .2
mu: .1
diff: 1E-4
eos: *eos
# output the timestep and dt at each time step
- !ablate::monitors::TimeStepMonitor
# use a boundary solver to update the cells in the boundaryCellsLeft region to represent an inlet
- !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
id: inlet
name: marker
value: 6
name: boundaryFaces
mergeFaces: false
- !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::Inlet
eos: *eos
pgs: *pgs
velocity: !ablate::mathFunctions::ParsedSeries
upperBound: 5000
lowerBound: 1
formula: (a*(h-abs(y))^(1/7))/5000 +(sqrt(alpha * exp(-2 * (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) / kappa_eta) ^ 2) * (uPrime^2 /kappa_e * (((kappa_o)+ (kappa_max)- (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n)/ kappa_e) ^ 4 / (1* (1 + (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max)- (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) / kappa_e) )^ (17/6)* cos( (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) * (delta_x)*sin(.5* ((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n)* (delta_x)*sin( acos(pRand(LO,HI)))* cos(pRand(LO1,HI1) )* x + (pRand(LO2,HI2)))), sqrt(alpha * exp(-2 * (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) / kappa_eta) ^ 2) * (uPrime^2 /kappa_e * (((kappa_o)+ (kappa_max)- (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n)/ kappa_e) ^ 4 / (1* (1 + (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max)- (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) / kappa_e) )^ (17/6)* cos( (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) * (delta_y)*sin(.5* ((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n)* (delta_y)*sin( acos(pRand(LO,HI)))* cos(pRand(LO1,HI1) )* y + (pRand(LO2,HI2))),sqrt(alpha * exp(-2 * (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) / kappa_eta) ^ 2) * (uPrime^2 /kappa_e * (((kappa_o)+ (kappa_max)- (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n)/ kappa_e) ^ 4 / (1* (1 + (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max)- (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) / kappa_e) )^ (17/6)* cos( (((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n) * (delta_z)*sin(.5* ((kappa_o) + (kappa_max) - (kappa_o)) * (i - 1) / n)* (delta_z)*sin( acos(pRand(LO,HI)))* cos(pRand(LO1,HI1) )* z + (pRand(LO2,HI2)))
n: 5000 # modes
a: 20.078 # Umean/Re^(1/7)
alpha: 1.453 # scaling constant
h: 0.025 # Integral length scale: half of the channel height
delta_x: 0.002 # grid size
delta_y: 0.002 # grid size
delta_z: 0.005 # grid size
kappa_eta: 0.857^3*5624 # epsilon^1/4 * nu^-3/4 where nu is molecular viscosity
uPrime: 0.25 # Umean * turbulence intensity
L: 0.05 #max(delta_z,delta_y)
epsilon: uPrime^3 / L
kappa_e: 25.82 # constant
kappa_o: 2*3.14/0.02 # max ( 2pi/Lx,2pi/Ly,2pi/Lz)
kappa_max: 3.14/(.02/10) # max ( pi/delta_x,pi/delta_y, z/delta_z)
HI: 1
LO: -1
HI1: 2*pi
LO1: 0
HI2: pi/2
LO2: -pi/2
# use a boundary solver to update the cells in the boundaryCellsRight region to represent an open pipe
- !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
id: openBoundary
name: marker
value: 5
name: boundaryFaces
mergeFaces: true
- !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::OpenBoundary
eos: *eos
reflectFactor: 0.0
referencePressure: 101325.0
maxAcousticsLength: 1
pgs: *pgs
# bottom wall
- !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
id: topBoundary
name: marker
value: 3
name: boundaryFaces
mergeFaces: true
- !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::IsothermalWall
eos: *eos
pgs: *pgs
# Deardorff (1970) wall model is used to recover the log law at the first boundary cell near the wall
- !ablate::boundarySolver::physics::LogLawBoundary
# top wall
- !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
id: bottomBoundary
name: marker
value: 4
name: boundaryFaces
mergeFaces: true
- !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::IsothermalWall
eos: *eos
pgs: *pgs
# Deardorff (1970) wall model is used to recover the log law at the first boundary cell near the wall
- !ablate::boundarySolver::physics::LogLawBoundary