Simple test for mapping the mesh using a simple function when the dm has a coordinate space
# a unique test name for this integration tests
name: meshMappingTestCoordinateSpace
# create a default assert that compares the log file
assert: "inputs/domain/meshMappingTestCoordinateSpace.txt"
# metadata for the simulation
title: _meshMappingTestWithCoordinateSpace
tagDirectory: false
# global arguments that can be used by petsc
# ask petsc to label the boundary values
dm_plex_separate_marker: ""
# set up the time stepper responsible for marching in time
# for this example there are no time stepper arguments (empty simulation)
arguments: { }
# create a simple box mesh for simulation
domain: !ablate::domain::BoxMesh
name: mappingMesh
# keep the mesh simple with only 4 faces in each direction
faces: [ 4, 4 ]
# range the mesh between 0.0, 0.0 to 1.0, 1.0
lower: [ 0, 0 ]
upper: [ 1, 1 ]
# create a dummy example fild
- name: exampleFVField
components: [ "xx", "yy" ]
type: FVM
# create a coordinate Space
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::CreateCoordinateSpace
degree: 1
# define a simple mesh mapper that translate in x+x and y+y
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::MeshMapper
"x+1.0*x, y+2.0*y"
# the $OutputDirectory is a special keyword that gets parsed by ablate to update to the output directory
- !ablate::monitors::DmViewFromOptions
options: "hdf5:$OutputDirectory/dm.h5"
- !ablate::monitors::DmViewFromOptions
options: ascii::ascii_info_detail
- fieldName: "exampleFVField"
field: "x, y"
# this is a test input file with no solvers
solvers: [ ]