Example setup for incompressible flow that uses a finite volume solver


  # a unique test name for this integration tests
  name: incompressibleFlow
  # create a default assert that compares the log file
  assert: "inputs/feFlow/incompressibleFlow.txt"

# metadata for the simulation
  title: incompessibleFlow
  tagDirectory: false
  dm_plex_separate_marker: ""

# set up the time stepper responsible for marching in time
  name: theMainTimeStepper
  # set the arguments for the time stepper, this includes the time stepping solution technique for the finite element solver
    ts_dt: .1
    ts_max_steps: 30
    ksp_type: fgmres
    ksp_gmres_restart: 10
    ksp_rtol: 1.0e-9
    ksp_atol: 1.0e-14
    ksp_error_if_not_converged: ""
    pc_type: fieldsplit
    pc_fieldsplit_0_fields: 0,2
    pc_fieldsplit_1_fields: 1
    pc_fieldsplit_type: schur
    pc_fieldsplit_schur_factorization_type: "full"
    fieldsplit_0_pc_type: lu
    fieldsplit_pressure_ksp_rtol: 1E-10
    fieldsplit_pressure_pc_type: jacobi
  # define a simple box mesh
  domain: !ablate::domain::BoxMesh
    name: simpleBoxField
    faces: [ 2, 2 ]
    lower: [ 0, 0 ]
    upper: [ 1, 1 ]
    # pass in these options to petsc when setting up the domain.  Using an option list here prevents command line arguments from being seen.
      dm_refine: 2
    # all fields must be defined before solvers.
      # define the velocity field with two components using the FE solver
      - !ablate::domain::FieldDescription
        name: velocity
        prefix: velocity
        components: ["vel0", "vel1"]
        type: FE
          petscspace_degree: 2
      # define the pressure field using the FE solver
      - !ablate::domain::FieldDescription
        name: pressure
        prefix: pressure
        type: FE
          petscspace_degree: 1
      # define the temperature field using the FE solver
      - !ablate::domain::FieldDescription
        name: temperature
        prefix: temperature
        type: FE
          petscspace_degree: 2

  # set the initial conditions of the flow field.  Tag each field function so that they can be reused for the exact solution
    - &velocityField
      fieldName: "velocity"
      field: "t + x^2 + y^2, t + 2*x^2 - 2*x*y"
      timeDerivative: "1.0, 1.0"
    - &pressureField
      fieldName: "pressure"
      field: "x + y - 1"
      timeDerivative: "0.0"
    - &temperatureField
      fieldName: "temperature"
      field: "t + x + y"
      timeDerivative: "1.0"

  # set the exact solutions based upon the initial conditions
    - *velocityField
    - *pressureField
    - *temperatureField

# this problem uses a single solver (!ablate::finiteElement::IncompressibleFlowSolver)
solver: !ablate::finiteElement::IncompressibleFlowSolver
  id: theFlowField
  options: {}

  # the fe solver assumed constant flow values
    strouhal: 1.0
    reynolds: 1.0
    peclet: 1.0
    mu: 1.0
    k: 1.0
    cp: 1.0

  # set constant boundary conditions for velocity and temperature based uon the initial condition fields
    - !ablate::finiteElement::boundaryConditions::Essential
      boundaryName: "wall velocity"
      labelIds: [3, 1, 2, 4] # this is all walls
      boundaryValue: *velocityField
    - !ablate::finiteElement::boundaryConditions::Essential
      boundaryName: "wall temp"
      labelIds: [3, 1, 2, 4]
      boundaryValue: *temperatureField
    # compute output the error to standard out
    - !ablate::monitors::FieldErrorMonitor
    # compute output the error to a log file
    - !ablate::monitors::FieldErrorMonitor
      log: !ablate::monitors::logs::FileLog
        name: errorMonitor.log