This example will run a diffusion flame until the solution reaches quasi steady state as defined by the criteria list given to the time stepper
# a unique test name for this integration tests
name: steadyStateDiffusionFlameZerork
# create a default assert that compares the log file
assert: "inputs/reactingFlow/steadyStateDiffusionFlame.zerork.txt"
title: _steadyStateDiffusionFlameZerork
tagDirectory: false
arguments: { }
# Create a stead state stepper. The Stead State Stepper marches the solution in time until a set of criteria is met
timestepper: !ablate::solver::SteadyStateStepper
# The Steady state stepper can output using the standard serializers
io: !ablate::io::Hdf5MultiFileSerializer
# results are saved at every 0 steps. In real simulations this should be much larger.
interval: 0
# Pass the standard petsc arguments to the TS.
ts_type: rk
ts_max_time: 1
ts_max_steps: 5000 # If convergence is not reached by ts_max_steps an exception is thrown
ts_dt: 1.0e-10
ts_adapt_safety: 0.75
# A list of criteria can be given to the steady state stepper. All criteria must be met to be considered converged
# The VariableChange measures the norm between the current and previous variable state. If less than the tolerance
# the variable is considered converged
- !ablate::solver::criteria::VariableChange
name: temperature
tolerance: 200 # This should be smaller for non-test cases
norm: l2_norm
# The valid range does not check for convergence but throws an error is all points fall outside the valid range.
# This is useful for checking for invalid results such as flame extinguishment
- !ablate::solver::criteria::ValidRange
name: temperature
lowerBound: 500
upperBound: 100000
# state how many time steps will be completed between criteria checks
checkInterval: 10
# the steady state steppers allows for a log to monitor convergence rate
log: !ablate::monitors::logs::StdOut
# Create a 1D BoxMeshBoundaryCells to monitor the solution
domain: !ablate::domain::BoxMeshBoundaryCells
name: simpleBoxField
faces: [ 50 ]
lower: [ 0.0 ]
upper: [ 0.01 ]
dm_plex_hash_location: true
# distribute the mesh across the mpi rank with ghost cells
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::DistributeWithGhostCells
ghostCellDepth: 2
- !ablate::domain::modifiers::GhostBoundaryCells
- !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowFields
# create an ideal gas eos using the tchem library
eos: !ablate::eos::zerorkEOS &eos
reactionFile: ../mechanisms/gri30.inp
thermoFile: ../mechanisms/gri30.dat
reactorType: ConstantPressure #zerork deafult is constant volume
# set a minimum temperature for the chemical kinetics ode integration
thresholdTemperature: 560
petscfv_type: leastsquares
name: domain
- !ablate::domain::FieldDescription
name: pressure
type: FV
location: aux
name: domain
# provide an initial condition for the flow field
# Set up the euler field (density, density*energy, density*vel) based upon temperature, pressure, velocity and mass fractions
- !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::Euler
state: &flowFieldState
eos: *eos
"x < 0 ? 653.0 : (x > .01 ? 300.0 : (x < 0.007 ? (306714.2857*x + 653): (-833333.3333*x + 8633.33) ))"
pressure: 101325.0
velocity: "0.0"
other: !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::MassFractions
eos: *eos
- fieldName: O2
field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
startValues: [ 0.0 ]
endValues: [ 1.0 ]
end: .01
- fieldName: H2
field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
startValues: [ 2.66E-08 ]
endValues: [ 0.0 ]
end: .01
- fieldName: CH4
field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
startValues: [ 0.03130099 ]
endValues: [ 0.0 ]
end: .01
- fieldName: C2H2
field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
startValues: [ 0.019041133 ]
endValues: [ 0.0 ]
end: .01
- fieldName: C2H4
field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
startValues: [ 0.908560465 ]
endValues: [ 0.0 ]
end: .01
- fieldName: C2H6
field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
startValues: [ 0.012981435 ]
endValues: [ 0.0 ]
end: .01
- fieldName: C3H8
field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
startValues: [ 0.028115959 ]
endValues: [ 0.0 ]
end: .01
# initialize the conserved mass fractions using the same flow staet
- !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::DensityMassFractions
state: *flowFieldState
# set the solvers diffusion flame
# The compressible flow solver is required to solve diffusion and reactions in the flow
- !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowSolver
id: flowField
# only apply this solver on the main region (no bc cells)
name: interiorCells
# the flow solver requires the equation of state to compute properties
eos: *eos
# Allow transport used the Sutherland model
transport: !ablate::eos::transport::Sutherland
eos: *eos
# in addition to the standard processes add chemistry reactions and a pressure fix to keep the diffusion flame at 1 ATM
- !ablate::finiteVolume::processes::Chemistry
eos: *eos
- !ablate::finiteVolume::processes::ConstantPressureFix
eos: *eos
pressure: 101325.0
# use a fixed inlet to enforce boundary conditions on the right side
- !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
id: walls
name: boundaryCellsRight
name: boundaryFaces
mergeFaces: true
- !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::Inlet
eos: *eos
# use a fixed inlet to enforce boundary conditions on the left side
- !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
id: slab boundary
name: boundaryCellsLeft
name: boundaryFaces
- !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::Inlet
eos: *eos