TChemV2 ideal gas eos
- mechFile (req)
- (file path or url) the mech file (Cantera Yaml)
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) An optional log for TChem echo output (only used with yaml input)
- options
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) time stepping options (dtMin, dtMax, dtDefault, dtEstimateFactor, relToleranceTime, relToleranceTime, absToleranceTime, relToleranceNewton, absToleranceNewton, maxNumNewtonIterations, numTimeIterationsPerInterval, jacobianInterval, maxAttempts, thresholdTemperature)
Uses a tensorflow model developed by ChemTab
- path (req)
- (file path or url) the path to the model
zerork ideal gas eos
- reactionFile (req)
- (file path or url) chemkin formated reaction files
- thermoFile (req)
- (file path or url) chemkin formated thermodynamic file
- options
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) time stepping options (reactorType, sparseJacobian, relTolerance, absTolerance, verbose, thresholdTemperature, timingLog, stepLimiter, loadBalance, useSEULEX)