Derived Components
a string based function to be parsed with muparser. The (string) formula that may accept x, y, z, t as variables. ABLATE custom functions include %, Power(a, b), rand(lowerBound, upperBound), and pRand(lowerBound, upperBound).
sets a constant value to all values in field
computes a series result from a string function with variables x, y, z, t, and i where i index of summation. \(\sum_{i = m}^n formula(x, y, z, t, n)\)
- formula (req)
- (string) see SimpleFormula for details on the string formatting.
- lowerBound (req)
- (int) the inclusive lower bound of summation (m)
- upperBound (req)
- (int) the inclusive upper bound of summation (n)
- constants
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) constants that can be used in the formula
A table that is built from a spreadsheet that allows linear interpolation of variables based on monotonically increasing independent variables
- file (req)
- (file path or url) a file with csv data and header
- independent (req)
- (string) the name of the independent column name as defined in the header
- dependent (req)
- (string list) the names of the dependent column in the order in which to apply them
- mappingFunction (req)
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) the function that maps from the physical x,y,z, and t space to the table independent variable
computes string function with variables x, y, z, and t where additional variables can be specified using other functions
- formula (req)
- (string) see SimpleFormula for details on the string formatting.
- nested
- (string,ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction map) a map of nested MathFunctions. These functions are assumed to compute a single scalar value
- constants
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) constants that can be used in the formula
Linear interpolates between the start and end without extrapolation.
- startValues (req)
- (double list) the start value(s)
- endValues (req)
- (double list) the end value(s)
- start
- (double) the start position
- end
- (double) the end position
- dir
- (int) the interpolation direction, 0 (default), 1, 2
Peak interpolates between the start, peak location, and end without extrapolation.
- startValues (req)
- (double list) the start value(s)
- peakValues (req)
- (double list) the peak value(s)
- endValues (req)
- (double list) the end value(s)
- start
- (double) the start position
- peak
- (double) the peak position
- end
- (double) the end position
- dir
- (int) the interpolation direction, 0 (default), 1, 2
Linear interpolates between the start and end without extrapolation using other MathFunctions.
- startFunction (req)
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) the start value(s)
- endFunction (req)
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) the end value(s)
- start
- (double) the start position
- end
- (double) the end position
- dir
- (int) the interpolation direction, 0 (default), 1, 2
Class that species progress variable from a chemTab model
- initializer (req)
- (string) the name of the initializer in the chemTab model
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) must be a ablate::eos::ChemTab model
Return the vertex level set values assuming a straight interface in the cell with a given normal vector.
- domain (req)
- (ablate::domain::Domain) domain to enable access to the cell information at a given point
- levelSet (req)
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) function used to calculate the level set values at the vertices