Assumes all energy into the surface results in sublimation
- latentHeatOfFusion (req)
- (double) the latent heat of fusion [J/kg]
- solidDensity
- (double) Solid density of the fuel. This is only used to output/report the solid regression rate. (Default is 1.0)
Sublimation occurs at the specified temperature. Extra heatFlux is used to heat the solid boundary
- properties (req)
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) the heat transfer properties (specificHeat, conductivity, density, sublimationTemperature, latentHeatOfFusion
- initialization (req)
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) math function to initialize the temperature
- options
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) the petsc options for the solver/ts
Sublimation occurs at the specified temperature. Extra heatFlux is used to heat the solid boundary
- properties (req)
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) the heat transfer properties (specificHeat, conductivity, density, latentHeatOfFusion
- initialization (req)
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) math function to initialize the temperature
- options
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) the petsc options for the solver/ts