

Distribute DMPlex with ghost cells

(int) the number of ghost cells to share on the boundary. Default is 1.


Adds ghost cells to the boundary

(string) The label specifying the boundary faces, or “Face Sets” if not specified


Creates a new label for all positive points in the function

region (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the region describing the new label
function (req)
(ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) the function to evaluate
(int) The depth in which to apply the label. The default is zero or cell/element


Creates a new label for all faces on the outside of the boundary

region (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the region to tag the boundary
boundaryFaceRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the new region for the boundary faces
(ablate::domain::Region) the new region for the boundary cells


Creates a new label for all faces on the outside of the boundary

mergedRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the merged region to create
regions (req)
(ablate::domain::Region list) the regions to include in the new merged region


Creates a new label that intersections the provided regions

intersectRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the intersect region to create/used
regions (req)
(ablate::domain::Region list) the regions to include in the intersection


Cuts/removes the given region (difference = minuend - subtrahend)

differenceRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the result of the operation
minuendRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the minuend region
subtrahendRegions (req)
(ablate::domain::Region list) the region(s) to be removed
(bool) determines if the DMPlexLabelComplete function for the new label is called. (true = DMPlexLabelComplete not called, false = DMPlexLabelComplete called, default is false


Class to label/tag all faces/cells on the interface between two labels. The left/right designations are just used to separate the left/right labels.

leftRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the “left” region
rightRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the “right” region
boundaryFaceRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the new region for the newly tagged boundary faces
(ablate::domain::Region) optional new region to tag the boundary cells on the “left” of region
(ablate::domain::Region) optional new region to tag the boundary cells on the “right” of region


Extrudes a layer of cells based upon the region provided

regions (req)
(ablate::domain::Region list) the region(s) describing the boundary cells
boundaryRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the new label describing the faces between the original and extruded regions
originalRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the region describing the original mesh
extrudedRegion (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the region describing the new extruded cells
(double) thickness for the extruded cells. If default (0) the 2 * minimum cell radius is used


Mark/tag all faces on the boundary of the mesh

region (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the new region for the boundary faces


Wrapper for DMPlexLabelComplete. Complete the labels; such that if your label includes all faces, all vertices connected are also labeled.

region (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) the region describing the label to complete


Calls the DMPlexCheck petsc function


The FVM check marches over each face in a mesh region, sums the contributions for each cell in the region to ensure they sum to 0.0

(ablate::domain::Region) the region describing the boundary cells, default is everywhere
(int) if specified, the fvmCheck each cell for the correct number of faces
(int) if specified, the fvmCheck each cell for the correct number of nodes


Maps the x,y,z coordinate of the domain mesh by the given function.


Maps the x,y,z coordinate of the domain mesh by the given function within a specified region.

function (req)
(ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) The function to apply to the coordinates
region (req)
(ablate::domain::Region) The region to apply the mapping function


Wrapper for DMPlexCreateCoordinateSpace

degree (req)
(int) degree of the finite element


Translate the x,y,z coordinate of the domain mesh by the values.


Performs clustering mapping using an algebraic relationship around one point using Equation 9-50 from Hoffmann, Klaus A., and Steve T. Chiang. “Computational fluid dynamics volume I. Forth Edition” Engineering education system (2000). \(x'=D \left [ 1+\frac{sinh[\beta(x-A))]}{sinh(\beta A)} \right ]\) where \(A=\frac{1}{2 \beta}ln \left [ \frac{1+(e^\beta - 1)(D/H)}{1+(e^{-\beta} - 1)(D/H)} \right ]\), \(D =\)cluster location, and \(\beta =\) cluster factor

direction (req)
(int) The direction (0, 1, 2) to perform the mapping
start (req)
(double) The start of the domain in direction
end (req)
(double) The end of the domain in direction
beta (req)
(double) The clustering factor (0 -> infinity, where infinity is more clustering)
location (req)
(double) The location to perform the clustering in direction
(ablate::domain::Region) optional region to apply this mapper (Default is everywhere)


Performs clustering mapping using an algebraic relationship at the edges of the domain using Equation 9-42 from Hoffmann, Klaus A., and Steve T. Chiang. “Computational fluid dynamics volume I. Forth Edition” Engineering education system (2000).

direction (req)
(int) The direction (0, 1, 2) to perform the mapping
start (req)
(double) The start of the domain in direction
end (req)
(double) The end of the domain in direction
beta (req)
(double) The clustering factor (1 -> infinity, where 1 is more clustering)
(ablate::domain::Region) optional region to apply this mapper (Default is everywhere)


Performs clustering mapping using an algebraic relationship around two point using equations derived from Hoffmann, Klaus A., and Steve T. Chiang. “Computational fluid dynamics volume I. Forth Edition” Engineering education system (2000).

direction (req)
(int) The direction (0, 1, 2) to perform the mapping
start (req)
(double) The start of the domain in direction
end (req)
(double) The end of the domain in direction
beta (req)
(double) The clustering factor (0 -> infinity, where infinity is more clustering)
location (req)
(double) The location to cluster center
offset (req)
(double) The offset from the location center to perform the clustering
(ablate::domain::Region) optional region to apply this mapper (Default is everywhere)


Collapse all set values in a label to the provided value in each region. This also completes each label.

regions (req)
(ablate::domain::Region list) the regions to collapse


Prints a short summary of the domain to std out


replicates the DMViewFromOptions function in PETSC

(string) if provided these options are used for the DMView call, otherwise global options is used
(string) if provided the optionsName is used for DMViewFromOptions. Needed if using global options.