Computes and reports the error every time step
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
Computes and reports the error every time step
- scope (req)
- (ablate::monitors::SolutionErrorMonitor::Scope enum) how the error should be calculated (‘vector’, ‘component’)
- type (req)
- (ablate::utilities::MathUtilities::Norm enum) norm type (‘l1’,’l1_norm’,’l2’, ‘linf’, ‘l2_norm’)
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
Reports the current step, time, and dt
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) report interval object, defaults to every
Compute the ignition time based upon peak mass fraction
- species (req)
- (string) the species used to determine the peak Yi
- location (req)
- (double list) the monitor location
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record the final ignition time (default is stdout)
- historyLog
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record the time and yi history (default is none)
Compute the ignition time based upon temperature change
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) the eos used to compute temperature
- location (req)
- (double list) the monitor location
- thresholdTemperature (req)
- (double) the temperature used to define ignition delay
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record the final ignition time (default is stdout)
- historyLog
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record the time and yi history (default is none)
Outputs the results along a line as a curve file (beta)
- interval (req)
- (int) output interval
- prefix (req)
- (string) the file prefix
- start (req)
- (double list) the line start location
- end (req)
- (double list) the line end location
- outputFields (req)
- (string list) a list of fields to write to the curve
- outputAuxFields (req)
- (string list) a list of aux fields to write to the curve
replicates the DMViewFromOptions function in PETSC
- scope (req)
- (ablate::monitors::DmViewFromOptions::Scope enum) determines if DMViewFromOptions is called initially (initial) or every time step (monitor)
- options
- (string) if provided these options are used for the DMView call, otherwise global options is used
- optionName
- (string) if provided the optionsName is used for DMViewFromOptions. Needed if using global options.
Outputs the total number of particles in the domain
- interval
- (int) output interval
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
Outputs the average particle location in the domain
- interval
- (int) output interval
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
Write 1D results to a curve file
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) output interval
- prefix
- (string) the file prefix
Prints the min/max/average for a field
- field (req)
- (string) the name of the field
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) report interval object, defaults to every
Reports the physics based time stepping from the FVM without enforcing it
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) report interval object, defaults to every
Records the values of the specified variables at a specific point in space
- probes (req)
- (ablate::monitors::probes::ProbeInitializer) where to record log (default is stdout)
- variables (req)
- (string list) list of variables to output
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) report interval object, defaults to every
- bufferSize
- (int) how often the probe file is written (default is 100, must be > 0)
Outputs the Thrust and Specific Impulse of a Rocket
- name
- (string) if provided this name is used to indentify the monitor
- region (req)
- (ablate::domain::Region) the region to apply this solver
- fieldBoundary (req)
- (ablate::domain::Region) the region describing the faces between the boundary and field
- eos (req)
- ([ablate::eos::EOS](./ablate::eos::EOS.html)) ([ablate::eos::EOS](./ablate::eos::EOS.html)) The EOS describing the flow field at the boundary
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) report interval object, defaults to every
- referencePressure
- (int) the ambient air pressure (default is 101325 Pa)
Computes turbulent flow statistics
- fields (req)
- (string list) The name of the field
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) The equation of state
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) The monitor output interval
Outputs any provided information from the boundary time to the serializer.
This class computes the mixture fraction for each point in the domain and outputs zMix, Yi, and source terms to the hdf5 file
- mixtureFractionCalculator (req)
- (ablate::monitors::MixtureFractionCalculator) the calculator used to compute zMix
A solver for radiative heat transfer in participating media
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) The equation of state
- properties (req)
- (ablate::eos::radiationProperties::RadiationModel) properties model for the output of radiation properties within the field
- interval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) The monitor output interval
outputs radiation flux information about a region.
- radiation (req)
- (ablate::radiation::SurfaceRadiation list) ray tracing solvers which write information to the boundary faces. Use orthogonal for a window or surface for a plate.
- region (req)
- (ablate::domain::Region) face region where the radiation is detected. The region given to the ray tracers must not include the cells adjacent to the back of these faces.
- log
- (ablate::monitors::logs::Log) where to record log (default is stdout)
This class reports the output values for chemTab
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::ChemistryModel) the chemTab model used for the calculation