Enforces a isothermal wall with fixed velocity/temperature
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) The EOS describing the flow field at the wall
- pgs
- (ablate::finiteVolume::processes::PressureGradientScaling) Pressure gradient scaling is used to scale the acoustic propagation speed and increase time step for low speed flows
Treats boundary as open.
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) The EOS describing the flow field at the boundary
- reflectFactor (req)
- (double) boundary reflection factor
- referencePressure (req)
- (double) reference pressure
- maxAcousticsLength (req)
- (double) maximum length in the domain for acoustics to propagate
- pgs
- (ablate::finiteVolume::processes::PressureGradientScaling) Pressure gradient scaling is used to scale the acoustic propagation speed and increase time step for low speed flows
Enforces an inlet with specified velocity
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) The EOS describing the flow field at the wall
- pgs
- (ablate::finiteVolume::processes::PressureGradientScaling) Pressure gradient scaling is used to scale the acoustic propagation speed and increase time step for low speed flows
- velocity
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) optional velocity function that can change over time
Adds in the euler/yi sources for a sublimating material. Should be used with a LODI boundary.
- sublimationModel
- (ablate::boundarySolver::physics::subModels::SublimationModel) SubModel the sublimation
- transportModel
- (ablate::eos::transport::TransportModel) the effective conductivity model to compute heat flux to the surface [W/(mâ‹…K)]
- eos (req)
- (ablate::eos::EOS) the eos used to compute temperature on the boundary
- massFractions
- (ablate::mathFunctions::FieldFunction) the species to deposit the off gas mass to (required if solving species)
- additionalHeatFlux
- (ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction) additional normal heat flux into the solid function
- pgs
- (ablate::finiteVolume::processes::PressureGradientScaling) Pressure gradient scaling is used to scale the acoustic propagation speed and increase time step for low speed flows
- diffusionFlame
- (bool) disables contribution to the momentum equation. Should be true when advection is not solved. (Default is false)
- radiation
- (ablate::radiation::SurfaceRadiation) radiation instance for the sublimation solver to calculate heat flux
- radiationInterval
- (ablate::io::interval::Interval) number of time steps between the radiation solves
- parameters
- (ablate::parameters::Parameters) emissivity and absorptivity parameters for the sublimation energy balance
uses math functions to add arbitrary sources to the boundary solver
- functions (req)
- (string,ablate::mathFunctions::MathFunction map) the map/object of names/functions
- type (req)
- (ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver::BoundarySourceType enum) the boundary source type (Point, Distributed, Flux, Face
updates boundary velocities at the wall using outflow to reconstruct the log law